Contact Information
Main Office - 904-201-9193
Photography - 904-201-9025
General Questions -
Photography -
Flowers -
Mailing Address:
236 Huntston Way
Jacksonville, FL  32259
Please call the office or e-mail us for date and time availability.
If we are unable to answer the phones, we are probably at the beach doing a wedding or on another line planning one. 

Please leave your name, number, and a convenient time for us to call you back. If you are already one of our Brides or Grooms, please leave your wedding date and time as well.
Due to the nature of our business and the fact that we do 200+ weddings a year, our office hours vary.

Copyright 2011 Sun and Sea Beach Weddings, Inc.: Beach Wedding Package. All Rights Reserved.
Mail Music CDs to:
7216 Mystic Brook Way
Davenport, FL  33896